Visitor attraction and conservation specialist

Our clients can reply on us to provide a frank and constructive appraisal of their health and safety management system as outlined in the case below.
The problem
Our client was between health and safety managers and asked us to ascertain where they stood in their ability to manage health and safety on a daily basis and whether they might have any gaps in their management systems.
The challenge was to cover two large sites, several hundred employees, and very unique departments, including construction, visitor attractions, animal management, and conservation.
How we were able to help
We set out a plan that followed the guidance in HSE’s document HSG 65, which covers the Plan, Do, Check, Act approach, and shows how it can help clients to achieve a balance between the systems and behavioural aspects of management.
We arranged guided conversations with members of staff from all levels of the organisation, departments and sites and asked about various aspects of how health and safety was managed within the business.
These comments and feedback were collated into a succinct qualitative report which we then presented back to the main health and safety committee along with recommended actions.
What the client said
“The report was clear and concise, while providing an invaluable insight into our staff’s perception of how our health and safety is managed across the business.”